Sunday 19 February 2017

                    ##   National Animal ##

ⓚⓝⓞⓦ ⓘⓝⓓⓘⓐ– complete detail – updated. Description of National animal of India. Name of the National animal of India is Bengal tiger. Bengal tiger is the National animal of India. Habit and habitat of Bengal tiger. Bengal tiger is a nocturnal animal, and it sleeps throughout the day and hunts at night. Male tigers have larger territories than females. A male tiger keeps a large territory in order to include the home ranges of several females within its bounds, so……………

They are are generally found in dense forests, mangrove swamps, brush, marsh lands, tall grasslands and jungles. Age of sexual maturity is 4-5 years for male tiger and 3-4 years for female tiger. Tigresses are fertile for a period of only four or five days throughout the entire year.

Bengal tiger has been classified as endangered by the IUCN. The weight of male Bengal tiger is between 220 to 260 kg., and weight of female Bengal tiger is between 130 to 160 kg. Size of male tiger is up to 10 ft. The standard color of a Bengal tiger is dark or light orange body with black stripes coming down the sides.

Distinctive Identification
Bengal tiger is the National animal of India. Bengal tiger has been classified as endangered by the IUCN. Total estimated population of Bengal tiger is 2400.

The weight of male Bengal tiger is between 220 to 260 kg., and weight of female Bengal tiger is between 130 to 160 kg. Size of male tiger is up to 10 ft. and female size is up to 9 ft. including the tail and a shoulder height between 2.5 ft. to 3.3 ft. Color is yellow to light orange with stripes ranging from dark brown to black. Every tiger has unique pattern of stripes on their body.

The standard color of a Bengal tiger is dark or light orange body with black stripes coming down the sides. Their ears are small and rounded and their eyes are round and amber in color. Night vision of tigers is about six times better than humans.

The belly and the interior parts of the limbs are white and the tail is orange with black rings. Tigers have a brain that weighs over 300 g.

The hind legs of the tiger are longer than their front legs. The skull of the tiger is stout and rounded in shape which provides more support for their powerful jaws.

Tigers have large fangs for killing and maiming prey. Bengal tigers have the longest canine teeth up to 3 inches in size. Bengal tigers also have large and retractable claws up to 4 inches in size, are used to grasp and hold onto prey. Adult Tigers have 30 teethes in total.

Common Name – Bengal Tiger

Local Name – Bagh

Zoological Name – Panthera tigris tigris

Kingdom – Animalia

Phylum – Chordata

Class – Mammalia

Order – Carnivora

Family – Felidae

Subfamily – Pantherinae

Genus – Panthera

Species – Panthera tigris

Conservational Status – Schedule – I, animal, according to wildlife (Protection) act, 1972 and classified as Endangered (EN) by the IUCN.

Habit and habitat
Bengal tigers are generally found in dense forests, mangrove swamps, brush, marsh lands, tall grasslands and jungles. Tigers inhabit almost all types of forest and many types of grassland. The Bengal tiger is considered to be the second largest species of tiger. Tigers are powerful nocturnal hunters. Bengal tigers are mostly solitary and sometimes travel in groups of 2 or 5 individuals.

Bengal tiger is a nocturnal animal and it sleeps throughout the day and hunts at night. Male tigers have larger territories than females. A male tiger keeps a large territory in order to include the home ranges of several females within its bounds, so that he may maintain mating rights with them and marking his boundaries with urine, droppings, and scratch marks to warn off trespassers.

Tiger is Carnivores animal and generally feeds on wild deer, wild cattle, buffalo, young elephants, monkeys, birds, frogs, wild boar, goats, porcupines etc. Bengal Tigers have also been known to take other predators such as Leopards, Wolves, Crocodiles and Dholes as prey. The Bengal Tiger stalks its prey, pounces on it and kills it swiftly, when caught successfully. It will then drag its catch into a secluded spot to enjoy it alone and in relative safety. Because it may only make such a kill once every few days, the tiger will eat as much as possible at one sitting.

A tiger can eat 35 kg meat at a time. Bengal tigers can swim and climb trees effectively. Tigers can sprint at over 60km/h for short distances. Tigers are very adaptable in their hunting techniques. Although they prefer to kill by attacking the neck, they do not do so when they recognize it is inappropriate.

Age of sexual maturity is 4-5 years for male tiger and 3-4 years for female tiger. Tigresses are fertile for a period of only four or five days throughout the entire year. During this time, they mate frequently. They are pregnant for a little over three months, and usually give birth between 2 to 5 cubs. Tigers are completely blind for the first week of their life. Their milk teeth peek out from their otherwise gummy mouths at about two weeks of age. When the permanent teeth replace the baby ones (around 5 to 6 months old), the Bengal cubs are taught how to hunt for their food. Average life span of tiger is 20 years.

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